Kupite karte za Posebna Parkirališta

    Preferirani parking s posebnim uvjetima:

    Vaše registarske oznake:

    Marka automobila:

    Vaš broj telefona

    Dokaz o uplati (fotografija):
    Fotografija dokaza o uplati mora biti jasno čitljiva, ili se neće prihvatiti.

    How to pay daily parking fine?

    Ukoliko Vam je izdana dnevna parking karta, istu možete platiti na više načina. Uplata se vrši uplatnicom ili putem mobilnog bankarstva.

    Payment via bank transfer

    Izdanu dnevnu parking kartu možete platiti putem uplatnice ili preko mobilnog bankarstva. Upute za plaćanje dnevne parking karte na ovaj način se nalaze na slici ispod.
    If you pay via mobile banking, in the application of your bank, select the payment option for individuals and legal entities, and not the budget (budget) organization.

    How to extend a privileged parking ticket?

    If you are the owner of a privileged parking ticket, and it expires soon, here's how you can extend it:

    Payment in the Mostar Parking office

    You can pay for your issued daily parking ticket in the Mostar Parking office (Bulevar narodne revolucije bb Mostar), and you are obliged to bring the issued daily parking ticket when paying.

    VAŽNO! Za produženje godišnje karte potrebno je dostaviti Potvrdu o prebivalištu (CIPS) ne stariju od 30 dana.

    Payment via bank transfer

    You can renew your privileged parking ticket via a payment slip or via mobile banking. Instructions for filling out the payment can be found in the picture below.

    You can renew your privileged parking ticket via a payment slip or mobile banking before the expiration of the existing ticket, and your new ticket will be valid from the end of the previous one. In doing so, you will not lose part of the duration of the new ticket. (Example: The privileged monthly ticket expires on March 15, 2022. The user extends the ticket on March 10, 2022. The new privileged monthly ticket lasts from March 15, 2022 to April 15, 2022). Please make your payments for the renewal of the privileged parking ticket at least 3 to 5 working days before the expiration of the privileged ticket. Your new discounted ticket will be valid only from the expiration of the previous one, not from the date of payment. If you are issued a DAILY PARKING TICKET after the expiration of the privileged parking ticket, the complaint will not be accepted.

    If you pay via mobile banking, in the application of your bank, select the payment option for individuals and legal entities, and not the budget (budget) organization.

    Upute za plaćanje GoParking mobilnom aplikacijom

    Vaše mjesečne karte možete produžiti uz pomoć mobilne aplikacije GoParking. Poveznice za preuzimanje kao i kratke upute (video) za korištenje ispod:

    Android – GooglePlay
    iOS/iPad OS – AppStore

    How to buy hourly and daily parking tickets?

    Purchase via parking machine

    Before buying, press the yellow button to select a ticket. "Standard. User ”= Hourly ticket; “Daily User” = Daily Ticket.
    When buying hourly parking tickets, the machine accepts 0.5 KM, 1 KM and 2 KM coins.
    When buying daily parking tickets, the machine accepts 0.5 KM, 1 KM, 2 KM and 5 KM coins.
    Insert coins into the parking machine. The parking machine does not return the change, but extends the duration of the hourly parking ticket.
    After inserting the coins, press the green button to print a parking card.
    The parking ticket will be printed out and can be picked up from the lower part of the parking machine. You can lift the plastic protection by hand to make it easier to take the card.
    If you do not want to create a parking ticket, press the red button and your money will be refunded.
    After purchasing a ticket on the parking machine, parking users are required to display the card on the inside of the front windshield, and the card must face the front of the car.

    Purchase a ticket via SMS

    Korisnici parkinga mogu putem telefona poslati svoje registracijske oznake na broj 0838801 (Zona I) i broj 0838802 (Zona II). (Samo za BiH telekom operatere: BH Telecom, HT Eronet i m:tel) Nakon slanja SMS-a, korisnici će primiti poruku potvrde o kupovini na kojoj će biti istaknute sve važne informacije za kupljenu satnu kartu. Ista se može produžiti ponovnim slanjem registracijskih oznaka SMS-om, no samo u slučaju kupovine satnih karata, treba pripaziti na maksimalno zadržavanje u Zoni I i Zoni II. U Zoni I, korisnici parkinga koji koriste satne karte se mogu maksimalno zadržati 2 sata. U Zoni II, korisnici parkinga koji koriste satne karte se mogu maksimalno zadržati 4 sata.
    After purchasing an hourly parking ticket via SMS, parking users are not obliged to display anything on the car's windshield, but they must keep the confirmation message they receive via SMS.
    When buying hourly tickets via SMS, pay attention to the exact registration number of your car. Correct entry of license plates during SMS payment is the responsibility of the user.
    pay attention to the number to which you send the SMS. To purchase an hourly parking ticket in Zone I, send your registration number to 0838801 (be careful not to send an SMS to +0838801). To purchase an hourly parking ticket in Zone II, send your registration number to 0838802 (be careful not to send an SMS to +0838802).
    In addition, after purchasing a ticket, you receive a message via SMS about a successful or unsuccessful payment. If you did not receive the confirmation message, you did not successfully pay for the parking ticket. On some Android devices, the Messaging app incorrectly changes the number to which you send the SMS to pay for the ticket, and users do not receive feedback on paid parking. In this case, in the Messages application, delete the conversation with the number 0838801 or 0838802 and send the SMS again.
    If you try to send an SMS and you see a message on your phone that "the message was not sent", check your account balance and the ability of using Premium Rate SMS services, which are often blocked on business accounts.

    Purchase a ticket via the mobile app

    Parking users can download the Mostar Parking application to their smartphones (Android and iOS), through which they can pay for hourly or daily parking tickets. Download Links (iOS) - LINK  (Android) – LINK  U aplikaciji je omogućeno kupovanje bankovnih kartica.
    U GoParking aplikaciji, dodajte sva svoja vozila te prilikom svake kupovine satne ili dnevne parking karte, pripazite da vam je izabrano vozilo za koje želite kupiti kartu.
    Dodatne informacije o GoParking mobilnoj aplikaciji možete pronaći na LINK.


    Karta Parking Zona - Grad Mostar

    Karta parking automata - Grad Mostar
